First Solar Power Plan Being Established in Karaisalı
A Solar Power Plant (SPP) is being constructed by T Dinamik Energy on an area of 165 decares in Demirçit Neighborhood. District governor Tunç visited the site and received briefing from the plant’s authorities.
District Governor Mehmet Tunç carried out observations in the Solar Power Plant (SPP) which is being constructed by T Dinamik Energy on an area of 165 decares in Demirçit Neighborhood. As part of his observations, our district governor obtained a briefing from the plant’s authorities.
In his visit, District Governor Tunç praised the company’s authorities due to contributions to employment in the district and the district’s economy, and requested that the company extend its investments in the district.
Kaymakam Mehmet Tunç, Demirçit Mahallesinde 165 dönüm arazi üzerine T Dinamik Enerji tarafından yaptırılan Güneş Enerji Santrali (GES) nde incelemelerde bulundu. Kaymakamımız yapılan incelemelerde işletme yetkililerinden bilgiler aldı.
Yapılan ziyaret sonunda ilçe istihdamına ve ilçe ekonomisine katkı yaptıklarından dolayı firma yetkililerine teşekkür eden Kaymakam Tunç, firmaya ilçemizde bulunan yatırımlarını genişletmesi talebinde bulundu.