Tegnatia and Trina Solar Agreed on 40 MW Panel

An important agreement was signed between Tegnatia, one of the leading EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) companies in Turkey, and Trina Solar.

The solar panels to be used in the solar power plant projects having total capacity of 40 MW to be established by Tegnatia in Mersin, Adana, Konya and Erzurum will be procured from Trina Solar.

As part of the agreement, Trina Solar will deliver polycrystal 60-cell TSM-PD05 and polycrystal 72-cell TSM-PD14 modules to Tegnatia by the end of June.

Tegnatia'nın Mersin, Adana, Konya ve Erzurum illerinde kuracağı toplam 40 MW'lık güce sahip olacak güneş enerji santrali projelerinde kullanılacak güneş panelleri Trina Solar'dan temin edilecek.

Anlaşma çerçevesinde Trina Solar, polikristal 60 hücreli TSM-PD05 ve polikristal 72 hücreli TSM-PD14 modülleri Haziran ayı sonuna kadar Tegnatia'ya teslim edilecek.

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