Çatı Katı Seminars
Every generation demonstrates unique behavioral features, apart from the current lifestyle and work habits in connection with their perception of life and their different communication styles. Every generation’s characteristic features, values and attitudes have strengths and weaknesses. We enjoy life together with these different generations, both at work and in the family. We find it considerably meaningful to learn about different generations with the intention of getting to know and understand one another more.
Within the framework of this knowledge, Banu UZKUT ONUK was the guest speaker at our Çatı Katı seminar, organized in May. We extend our sincere thanks to her for her presentation titled “Generations.”
Bu bilgiler çerçevesinde, mart ayında gerçekleştirdiğimiz Çatı Katı seminerimizin konuğu Sn. Banu UZKUT ONUK olmuştur.
Jenerasyonlar (Kuşaklar) başlığı altındaki sunumunu için kendisine tekrar teşekkür ediyoruz.